Forklift Leaking Fluid - How To Find Out What It Is

Today we are going to take a look at what you should do if you discover your forklift leaking fluid.

We have over 40 years in the material handling industry and we would love to share our expertise and experience with you.

We'll take a closer look at the types of leaks you could encounter and how to tell what they are. So, let's get started.


Is your forklift leaking fluid? Take steps to address the problem


Forklift Leaking Fluid - What to Do First

If you have a forklift leaking fluid it can be quite difficult to figure out the the cause of the leak.

However, if you notice any damp spots or drips around your forklift equipment, don't ignore it. If left untreated, a small leak could develop into a costly repair down the road.

Before you do any inspections on your forklift hydraulic system, it is a good idea to de-pressurize your hydraulic hoses. Hydraulic fluid is under great pressure and is extremely hot, 300 degrees Fahrenheit or even hotter. This can cause serious burns on your skin.

If it escapes, it can inject fluid through even thick leather gloves and into your skin. When hydraulic fluid is injected into your skin, it will damage the tissue on the way inside.

It can cause pressure to build up inside your body if not treated immediately. You can lose circulation and you are at risk of losing a digit.

Even if the leak is minor, it is important that you de-pressurize before you start looking around it in order to stay safe and avoid injury. The following video will show you how to de-pressurize your hydraulic system.


Depressurize your hydraulic system before you attempt an inspection


Forklift Leaking Fluid: Where Leaks Could Occur

Your forklift could be leaking fluid from different parts. Take a close look at each of the following components to determine where the leak is.



If your seals are leaking, then you may be able to fix it by simply using a leak stop product. If your seal is torn altogether, it will need to be looked at by a professional.


Control Valve:

Take a look at your control valve. If there is a leak there, it will affect your hydraulic pressure. This in turn can damage your seals and decrease the lift capacity of your forklift.


Inspect various parts of your forklifts, such as the cylinders if your forklift is leaking fluid



Your hydraulic system has several different types of cylinders: lift cylinders and tilt cylinders. You can get a fluid leak both inside and outside of your lift cylinder.

If you notice fluid on parts of your forklift or on the ground, then the lift cylinder may be leaking.

If your tilt cylinder is leaking oil, then the lower fluid level could damage your hydraulics and your mast may begin to move uncontrollably.

The following video will show you the steps to take to fix a leaking hydraulic cylinder. This is the first video of a three-part series.

Click here to view Part 2 and Part 3. This video will show you what is involved in the repair. However, you should get a professional to do it for you.

Hydraulic systems are under great pressure and if you are not sure about the safe procedures to follow when working on them, you could get injured.

They are also quite complex, so if you are not a trained technician, you run the risk of damaging a part or making the problem worse than it was in the first place.


See how a hydraulic cylinder is repaired


Auxiliary Lines and Hydraulic Hoses

Take a look at your auxiliary lines and hydraulic hoses. If any of your lines or hoses are damaged or bent, they may begin to leak.

Also, if they are damaged, then unwanted debris particles could enter your hydraulic system and contaminate the fluid. This could damage your pump.


Hydraulic Filters:

Make sure that your hydraulic filter isn’t blocked. If it is blocked and the flow of oil is restricted, then that could cause extra wear and tear on your system's internal workings.


You should inspect the parts of your forklift’s hydraulic system for leaks - Image Source: Created by Tynt22 using Adobe Photoshop. [CC BY-SA]


Loose Nut

Inspect the nuts in your system to see if they are the cause of your forklift leaking fluid. Tightening the nut may correct the problem. However, you need to be careful not to over-tighten.

Over-tightening may damage the fitting integrity of the part, which can also cause a leak. Be careful to use the right amount of torque on the nut. If you are unsure, then it is best to have a professional tighten it for you.

If you need to replace one of your fittings, be sure to replace it with the exact same type of fitting. Replacing a fitting with one that is even slightly different can be very dangerous.

If you are unsure about what part to use, contact a professional parts department. Don't take chances.


Get regular maintenance to prevent forklift leaking fluid


Forklift Leaking Fluid - Preventative Maintenance

There are a few regular maintenance tasks that you can perform in order to prevent your forklift from leaking fluid in the first place. These include:

  • Clean out your hydraulic filters once a year

  • Replace your hydraulic fluid during the annual cleaning

  • Flush out your lines and pump on a regular basis

ForkliftHub can help you with these regular maintenance tasks. Contact us today to set up an appointment.


Reasons Why You Shouldn't Ignore a Forklift Leaking Fluid

Here are 7 very good reasons why you shouldn't ignore it if you find your forklift leaking fluid:

1. Oil that has leaked out can catch on fire
2. Oil spills can create safety concerns
3. An oil leak can be an indicator of a bigger problem
4. Forklift oil leaks can cause overheating
5. Oil leaks can lead to exposure to other harmful contaminants
6. Forklift oil leaks will cost you money
7. Ignoring oil leaks can cause costly downtime

To learn more about each of these 7 reasons, check out our post "Top 7 Reasons to Repair Your Forklift Oil Leaks."


If you notice a fluid leak, get it repaired


ForkliftHub: You Can Trust Us for All Your Forklift Repairs

You can trust ForkliftHub for all of your forklift repairs, including forklift leaks. At ForkliftHub, we will help you with any urgent repairs that you need, and we will make sure that your forklifts are always well-maintained.

We can even track and pre-schedule all maintenance work for you so that your equipment is properly serviced in a timely manner.

This will help you avoid expensive downtime and you won't have to remember to schedule or book your service work. We'll do it for you.

ForkliftHub also has an incredibly fast response time so you won't have to wait to get your lift trucks back in operation. We can usually have our service tech at your location within 2 to 3 hours and we also guarantee same day.


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ForkliftHub Offers Quality Service on All Forklift Makes and Models

If you are looking for top-quality forklift maintenance and service, contact ForkliftHub. Our fully equipped service and parts department is open 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.

Our qualified technicians are capable of properly performing maintenance services and inspections of all types.

Our knowledgeable staff can keep your equipment in top working condition, which means lower repair costs and higher machine efficiency. Contact ForkliftHub today for all of your forklift maintenance and repair needs.


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