Top 10 Challenges Facing Plant Managers

Today we are going to take a look at the top 10 challenges facing plant managers.

We have over 40 years of experience in the material handling industry, and we would love to share our expertise and experience with you.

The post will outline the top challenges facing plant managers and possible solutions to help fix them. So, let's get started now!


There are many challenges facing plant managers today


Challenges Facing Plant Managers


1. Reducing Accidents

Challenge: The fact is that accidents will happen in the workplace. One of the greatest challenges facing plant managers is reducing accidents so that fewer injuries occur, less money is spent on covering damages caused by accidents, and less downtime is experienced due to accidents.

Solution: Proper training on the safe operation of your equipment will help to reduce the number of accidents. Also providing incentives to employees for going "accident-free," such as a bonus system, could also be implemented.


2. Preventing Injuries:

Challenge: The number one priority of a plant manager is to keep your staff safe and do all that you can to prevent injuries.

No one wants to see a worker injured, and a worker who has been injured needs to be replaced, which means extra wages, training time, and possible downtime until the new person is ready.

Solution: Encourage safe working practices among your employees. Provide training such as WHMIS and follow guidelines for handling hazardous materials. Also, purchase equipment that is ergonomically designed for the safety of your workers.


Ergonomic equipment like lift tables can help prevent employee injuries


3. Training

Challenge: It is a challenge to get your workforce properly trained for the jobs that they are doing.

Not only do you need to provide them with training to give them the particular skills they need to do their job, but also you need to provide them with general safety training.

Solution: If you don't have the time or expertise to provide your staff with the safety training they require, you can hire professional trainers to do that for you.


4. Staying on Top of Changes in Regulations

Challenge: It is important that as a plant manager, you stay on top of all of the latest regulations. The government is constantly updating and bringing out new regulations involving important issues such as:

Solution: Make sure you stay informed by checking government regulations frequently.


Plant managers need to keep up to date of government regulations


5. Having the Right Safety Equipment

Challenge: Having the right safety equipment will not only keep your employees safe and healthy, but it can also increase your productivity.

Using equipment that isn't ergonomically designed will increase the chances of worker injuries and downtime due to having to train replacement staff.

Solution: Having safety equipment such as lift tables, forklift spotter lights, bollards and guard rails installed in your facility can decrease the number and severity of any accidents.


6. Keeping Your Information Safe

Challenge: Another one of the challenges facing plant managers today is keeping your important information safe from cyber theft or hacking.

Every industry relies on computers to some extent and when you use the internet, you also run the risk of having your system tapped into or tampered with.

Solution: Make sure you have security measures in place to protect your sensitive data, such as installing firewalls, using complex passwords, having reliable antivirus software, and using encryption. It is also helpful to train your staff in safe computing practices.


Install safety equipment such as guardrails for extra protection


7. Team Building

Challenge: One of the difficult challenges facing plant managers is getting your staff to work as a team. Often, workers will decide to do things their own way. focusing on their own needs and objectives. The challenge is to get your staff to buy into the plant objectives and work together as a team.

Solution: Open communication and accountability are key to team building as well as making decisions as a management team and being consistent with carrying out your decisions. Sometimes it is even helpful to incorporate team-building workshops or training to bring your workforce together.


8. Maintaining Morale

Challenge: It is so important to maintain morale in your workplace. Low morale can result in lower productivity and quality of work, as well as a higher employee turnover rate.

Solution: Let your employees feel like their work is more than just a job. Take time to celebrate employee accomplishments in creative ways.

Give employees time off to pursue projects they are passionate about. Show them you actually care about them by doing things like recognizing their birthdays.


Communication is key for effective team building


9. Being Pulled in Different Directions

Challenge: One of the very real challenges facing plant managers is feeling like they are being pulled in multiple directions and not having the time to lead effectively.

Solution: Be a leader, not a dictator. Learn to delegate tasks and help your employees take ownership of their tasks. Trust them to do the small things that you don't need to be doing.

Make your employees feel like they are part of achieving the goals of the company. Demonstrate your own commitment to these goals and encourage others to get on board.


10. Constantly Putting out Fires

Challenge: Often plant managers become “firefighters,” constantly putting out the same fires (solving the same problems over and over again).

Solution: If you are finding that you are always fixing the same problems, take the time to take a closer look at what is the actual cause of the problem. Then, try to put in place a system, procedure, or practice that will actually eliminate that problem so that it doesn't come up again.


Wayco Understands the Challenges Facing Plant Managers

Wayco understands many of the challenges facing plant managers, and we would like to help you with the ones that we can.

That is why we offer the best forklift safety training programs and other safety training in the Kitchener-Waterloo area.

Wayco offers a wide selection of training for individuals or groups. We can train in house or at your location. Some of our popular safety training programs include:

Our highly experienced trainers will instruct your employees in the proper practices of operating forklift equipment safely and other workplace safety practices. Contact us today to book your training sessions.


Wayco Offers Top Quality Service on All Forklift Makes and Models

If you are looking for top quality forklift maintenance and service on all makes and models, contact Wayco. Our fully equipped service and parts department is open 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.

Our qualified technicians are capable of properly performing maintenance services and inspections of all types.

Our knowledgeable staff can keep your equipment in top working condition, which means lower repair costs and higher machine efficiency. Contact Wayco today for all of your forklift maintenance and repair needs.


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