My Forklift Is Overheating, What Should I Do?

Find out what you should do if your forklift is overheating. Book your service appointment today.


If Your Forklift Is Overheating (in the "Red Zone") - Stop and Tag It

If you see that your forklift is overheating or "running hot," and your temperature gauge is reading in the "red zone," stop using it immediately so that you won't cause any damage to the key components. Tag it as ‘out of daily production’ until it can be looked at and the problem addressed.


Possible Causes of a Forklift Engine Overheating

Your Fan or Fan Belt May Be Broken

A broken fan or fan belt can cause your forklift engine to overheat. Your forklift's fan is located underneath your seat, near the back of your truck. Sometimes, items fall through the cracks under the hood and get caught in the fan or the fan belt causing damage.

Papers that are placed behind the operator's seat can easily slip through the crack and get caught in the fan. Other materials that are picked up from the warehouse floor can also get tangled up inside your fan and break it or cause it to corrode.

If your fan isn't totally broken, but is wearing out, it could still be causing your forklift to overheat. A worn-out fan cannot properly cool down your lift truck, so it will need to be repaired or replaced.

Solution: Keep your warehouse floor as clean as possible; free from dust and dirt as well as loose debris such as pieces of paper and pallet wrap.


It’s important to keep your warehouse floor clean and free from debris that could damage your forklift


Your Radiator Has Debris or Is Damaged

You radiator can also be affected by debris that is picked up off of your facility's floor or off the ground if you are working outside. You need to have this debris cleaned out from time to time to make sure that your radiator is functioning properly.

Solution: You should have your radiator regularly checked and cleaned out to make sure that debris is removed and that there are no leaks in it. In addition, keep your facility floor clear of dust and debris as much as possible.


You Coolant Levels Are Too Low

If your forklift's coolant levels are low then it may overheat. Make sure your fluid levels are topped up, especially during the summer months when the increased temperatures can cause forklifts to overheat faster than in the cooler temperatures.

Solution: Plan out a regular maintenance schedule for your forklifts and make sure that the coolant levels are checked during this service.


Your Water Pump May Be Damaged

Your water pump's job is to pull coolant through the radiator to help cool your engine. If your pump has a leak or a crack, it won't be able to do it job properly, and you may experience overheating.

Solution: Get your water pump inspected for any damage during regular maintenance. Catching a problem early is important to prevent more serious damage, especially to your engine.

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Get your radiator, water pump, and coolant levels checked during regularly scheduled maintenance


Your Hoses Are Damaged or Worn

If the hoses in your engine are wearing out or are damaged, then they could be leaking fluids. This means that your engine may not be getting cooled as it should.

Solution: Make sure that worn out or damaged hoses are replaced during regular maintenance.


Your Filters May Be Clogged

The filters in your engine clear out the dirt in the air and prevent this dirt from getting into your engine and choking it. Loose debris on your warehouse floor can clog up your filters. Clogged filters may mean that your forklift is trying to operate on thick, dusty air. This will cause your engine to work harder and possibly overheat.

Solution: Have your filters changed regularly.


The Outside Temperatures May Be Too High

If you are working outside in hot temperatures, you may find that your forklift is overheating.

Solution: Give your forklifts frequent breaks when the temperature outside is especially high.


Excessive outside temperatures could make your forklift overheat


You Are Using the Forklift Above Its Capacity Level

Each forklift has a maximum load capacity rating. If your forklift is being used to lift loads above its recommended capacity level then it may overheat. Working a forklift above its ability may not only do serious damage to the equipment, but it can also be dangerous.

Solution: Only use your forklifts to lift loads that are within their load capacity.


Your Forklift Is Being Driven at Top Speeds

Constantly driving your forklift at maximum speeds can also cause it to overheat.

Solution: Train your operators on the proper way to drive and operate their forklifts.

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Make sure you forklifts are handling loads within their load capacity rating


Need Forklift Maintenance and Service You Can Trust? Contact Forklift Hub!

Forklift Hub will help you make sure that your forklifts are well maintained. We can track and pre-schedule all maintenance work for you so that your equipment is properly serviced in a timely manner. This will help you avoid expensive downtime and you won't have to remember to schedule or book your service work. We'll do it for you.

Wayco also has an incredibly fast response time so you won't have to wait to get your lift trucks back in operation. We can usually have our service tech at your location within 2 to 3 hours, and we also guarantee same day service!


Forklift Hub Offers Top Quality Service on All Forklift Makes and Models


If you are looking for top quality forklift maintenance and service, contact Forklift Hub. Our fully equipped service and parts department is open 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.

Our qualified technicians are capable of properly performing maintenance services and inspections of all types. Our knowledgeable staff can keep your equipment in top working condition, which means lower repair costs and higher machine efficiency. Contact Forklift Hub today for all of your forklift maintenance and repair needs.


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