All You Need To Know Guide For Forklift Training

In a factory or warehouse setting, there are many elements that go into operator forklift training. This “all you need to know” guide for forklift training will ensure that forklift operators, visitors, and all other workers are safe. Forklifts are considered powerful trucks; strict safety procedures and efficient training needs to be implemented. Since forklifts are powerful trucks they are governed by the OSHA (Occupational Safety and Health Act). Safety regulations have changed over the years so it should come as no surprise that employers often don’t understand what is required under this standard.OSHA law requires ALL employees that drive a forklift at any time to have passed certification training. Contact Us for ALL your forklift training today!


All you need to know about forklift training is explained in several blogs we have written which is itemized below. They cover every aspect of training. Also are some simple questions that are overlooked frequently after the itemized blogs. We encourage you to take the time to read our previous blogs to understand the importance of training, rules and regulations, risks and hazards, employers’ fines, and most of all how to work towards a safe workplace. The bulleted lists in each section outline the topics covered or questions addressed in each blog.To help workers better understand the dangers of operating a forklift, we’ve put together this guide to help remind everyone why forklift safety training is so important.

To view each blog post, click the title

1. Forklift Licence: What To Ask When Calling To Find A Good Trainer


No matter what the nature of your business is, if forklifts are used in your daily operation, you need adequate training for your staff. It is the job of a good forklift trainer to make sure forklift operators are competent and knowledgeable enough. Below are are simple questions that are sometimes overlooked. Hopefully we can answer those questions in this blog for you today.

  • Are you a qualified trainer?

  • What training classifications do you provide?

  • Do you have a flexible driving school schedule?

  • What will I learn in your class?

  • What is the duration of the course?

  • Do your offer replacement copies?

  • What do I require for class?

  • Do i receive updated notification?

2.  5 Reasons To Get Forklift Training

Untrained operators don’t fully understand how to operate equipment and they can overlook important safety precautions. Working safely should always be a top priority and in this blog we give you 5 reasons why it is important to get forklift training. If you are looking for expert forklift training, Contact the professionals at Forklift Hub!

  1. Safety first

  2. Cost Savings

  3. It’s the Law

  4. Safe work Environment

  5. Reduce Risk of Accidents


3. Practical and Theory Aspects of Forklift Training

If you want to avoid serious accidents involving forklifts, it is important that you read this post. We discuss forklift driver practical and theory training aspects to increase your chances of enjoying a safe and accident free workplace. 

4. The Importance of Lockout Tagout Training

You want to protect yourself right? Lockout tagout training ensures safety procedures by making sure your forklift remains completely, temporarily off. In this article we outline why lockout tagout training is important, what it is, what the Ontario regulations are, why you need training, and the basic steps for lockout tagout.  Contact us for your lockout tagout training, our expert trainer would be glad to help keep you safe at your workplace.

  • What is Lockout Tagout Training?

  • What are the Ontario Regulations?

  • Why Is It Important?

  • Who Needs The Training?

  • What Industries Is It Most Relevant In?

  • How Can You Determine When A Machine Must Be Locked Out?

  • What Are The Basic Steps of Lockout Tagout?

5. 5 Elements of Forklift Safety

Due to improper training or sheer carelessness on the job, we offer a few forklift safety tips that will help you and those you work with stay safe. Improve your forklift safety, have the ability to work around it, be natural, seamless, and safe. Safety begins with you!

  • Train for Safety

  • Perform Checkups

  • Know the Machinery and the Rules

  • Understand the Stability Triangle

  • Know about the Load Basics

6. Steps to Becoming Forklift License Certified


Choosing your forklift instructor is the first step to getting your forklift licence. Obviously you’ll want to choose an experienced forklift trainer who is committed to quality, is patient, enthusiastic, highly skilled, and values the lives of others.

  • Self Assessment

  • Enrolling for a Forklift License Certification Course

  • Attending the Classroom Lecture

  • Passing the Written Forklift License Examination

  • Actual or Hand-on Forklift Operation

  • Evaluation

7. How to Lessen Common Forklift Hazards


The dangers associated with the use of forklift trucks in the workplace are often underestimated. Forklifts are among some of the most hazardous vehicle types in the workplace. They are frequently found in warehouses, workshops and factories. Find out which are the most common hazards, so you can learn to avoid them.

  • Do a Daily Inspection

  • Train Your Workers on Foot

  • Carry Your Load Safely

  • Avoid Distraction While in Transit

  • Beware of Indoor Hazards

  • Be clear about Safety

8. Forklift License – Common Questions About Obtaining One

Here are some top questions to ask BEFORE you take a forklift license training course. Get all of the answers that you need about forklift training and the related certification and licensing.  If you would like to start your training now, get in touch with the forklift training experts at Wayco. 

  • What do I need to ask when inquiring about forklift training?

  • What should be covered in the forklift training course?

  • Why do I need training to operate a forklift?

  • Do I need a valid car drivers license to become a forklift driver?

  • How long does it take to get certified to drive a forklift? 

  • Do forklift certifications expire?

  • How do you know which certification is right for you?

  • How Do You Begin The Process of Certification?

  • What is the difference between a license and certificate?

  • Is my forklift certificate valid anywhere? 

  • Where can I get additional information about forklift laws?

  • I have lost my license, can I get another?

  • Do you offer job assistance? 

  • How can I register for the course?

9. How to Reduce Forklift Accidents


Be Safe and Save Lives! To reduce forklift accidents, here are four common ways to avoid and prevent them from happening.  These key issues must be addressed and every employee must be aware of risk factors at all times when operating a forklift. Safety begins with preparation.

  • Get Proper Training

  • Promote Pedestrian and Worker Awareness

  • Address Driving Issues 

  • Prevent Loading Problems

10. Forklift Licence

Need a forklift licence? I am sure you have many questions, so read our blog and put your mind at ease. We will steer you in the right direction for your training certification & forklift career. It is very important that a forklift operator knows what they are doing because forklifts can cause accidents and serious injuries in the workplace.

  • What you need to know before you go for your forklift licence?

  • Do I need a car licence to drive a forklift?

  • What type of course should I take?

  • Why do you need a forklift license?

  • Where can you get a forklift licence?

  • What do you need to do, to get a forklift license?

  • What should you look for in a forklift licensing company?

  • What is the difference between a forklift licence and forklift certificate?

  • Why do you need forklift training and not just a forklift licence?

  • What kind of job can you get with a forklift licence?

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Who can train, evaluate and certify forklift operators?


OSHA requires in 1910.178(l)(2)(iii) that the trainers have the “knowledge, training and experience” to train operators and evaluate their competence. Trainers do not have to operate a forklift on a regular basis, but they must have experience operating the specific type of equipment being trained on (including attachments). You can ask the trainer for proof of their certificate and that they have been properly trained to train. Being certified ensures they are familiar with the regulations that apply to the work; and have knowledge of any potential or actual danger to health or safety in a workplace. 

2. Is there a legal age to operate a forklift?

 The ministry of labour safety regulations R.R.O. 1990, Reg. 851, s. 4 has a minimum age for workers. A person working in industrial establishments must be sixteen years of age for construction sites or logging; fifteen years of age in a factory or restaurant kitchen; and  fourteen years of age in other industrial work places. Therefore the legal age to operate a forklift with the proper operator certificate would follow these regulations as well.

3. What forms of payment do you accept?


We currently accept master card, visa, cash, money order or e-transfers. Only existing customers can pay by cheque. Payment must be paid prior to the start of the class. 

4. What is a safe zone or skill zone?

A forklift safe zone or skill zone is based on 2 times your lifting height. So if you are lifting 10′ high the safe zone is 20′.  Safe Zone will keep your employees safer, both on and off of the forklift. As the lift truck operator, you are in control of the lift. You must be satisfied that all conditions are acceptable and hazard controls have been put in place. Competent operators take responsibility for their safety around them and completely aware every time they perform a lift.

5. What Will I Need For You To Be Able To Train At My Premises? 

Literally our trainer is On-the-Go and comes to your location, making us unique in this regard!  Once onsite our trainer will do the classroom presentation and discussion, a site hazard review, and required hands-on testing and evaluation of your operators on yourspecific equipment in your place setting.


All you need to get ready is:

  • a safe reliable truck for the duration of the course

  • a safe testing area 

  • pallets and racking for testing

  • 2 – 3 realistic loads

  • an office or room to carry out the theory element of the course

  • And of course, your safety shoes!

6. What is a recommended speed for forklifts operating within a manufacturing facility and warehouse?

There are no specific speed limits set for the safe operation of a powered industrial truck, however your facility may have signs posted and speed limits should be followed.  What is a safe speed? There are a variety of factors to consider such as the load being carried, adequate stopping distances, operating surface conditions, pedestrian traffic and other safety issues. Most of all forklift operators should practice safe travel speeds at their workplace at all times.  

For additional assistance in determining safe travel speeds, an employer could look to consensus standards such as ASME B56.1-2000 Safety Standard For Low Lift and High Lift Trucks. For example, paragraph 4.3.2 of ASME B56.1 contains a Stopping Distance formula which may be useful in determining approximate theoretical stopping distances where certain variables are known. This information, along with other factors, can then be used to calculate a maximum safe speed.


Formula to calculate theoretical stopping distance: S = 0.394^2 / D-G where

  • D = draw bar drag, as a percentage;

  • G = percentage grade (e.g., 5 for 5%);

  • S = stopping distance in meters; and

  • V = velocity in km/h.

You will need to make sure these speed limits are followed, once you have determined how fast your operators should be traveling. In an ideal world you should ensure your operators are following your speed policy, but we don’t live in an ideal world, so additional measures are often needed. 

7. Do we need to train our operators on each make and model of forklift?

Forklift Operator training certificates are trained by “type” of forklift, meaning classifications. You may have several trucks that fall under the same classification which allows you to use the same operator training certificate. Please review the 9 classifications and codes to confirm what certification is right for you.

AM50-Series ELECTRIC.png
  1. electric motor rider trucks

  2. electric motor narrow aisle truck

  3. electric motor hand trucks

  4. internal combustion engine cushion tire only

  5. internal combustion engine pneumatic tire only

  6. electric and internal combustion tow tractor

  7. rough terrain lift trucks

  8. personnel and burden carriers

Always keep in mind that even if the forklifts are the same type, the operator will need instruction on any topics, such as the truck’s controls, capacity rating, that are different.

8. How long is an employer required to keep forklift daily inspection sheets?

 If you have forklifts in your facility, you know that OSHA 1910.178(q)(7) requires them to be inspected daily before use. But what does OSHA really require?  OSHA does not require that the daily forklift inspections be documented. So it is up to the employer’s discretion to determine the duration of powered industrial truck daily inspection sheet records. 

It is a good idea for two reasons to keep your records on file:

  • It ensures that all essential features of the vehicle are inspected routinely, and

  • It provides evidence to an OSHA inspector that the vehicles are being inspected as required.

A very high percentage of forklift users are not aware that they are violating an OSHA mandate if they fail to perform these inspections. Without the documentation the inspector will listen to the unsolicited information verifying verbally that a forklift examination occurred prior to its operation. If they get this verbal confirmation, that will be accepted as proper verification, if they don’t find any defects during the inspection.  Also another note to keep in mind if you do keep written record is do not miss a day because a written cited for gaps in the printed documentation is kept on file. The most important thing is the safety of the workers, and by performing these daily inspection it allows you to find defects and prevent accidents. 

Here Is What an Operator Should Look for Carrying Out Their Visual Daily (Circle) Checks.

So there you have it – everything you need to know about forklift training. At Wayco we strongly encourage drivers to undergo forklift training and refresher training on a periodic basis. It is important to have the knowledge and skills of driving a forklift safely and correctly to help prevent accidents and save lives. Contact us to begin your training today.


How To Obtain a Forklift Licence in Ontario


5 Ways to Prevent Forklift Accidents